A few years ago, I faithfully planned meals and menus, shopped from a list, and ate what I bought. But a hectic job and extensive traveling derailed me, and I fell into bad habits of spontaneous meal planning and impulse shopping. When I am at the grocery store, I don’t know what my inventory is at home. I walk down the baking aisle and wonder if I have any white corn syrup because I might make a pecan pie with the pecans I bought at Sam’s . . . oh wait, did we already eat those pecans? Better buy some more of those, too. Do I need chicken bouillon? I think I used the last of it, oh, I don’t know when, I’d better get some just in case.
My refrigerator and freezer are in the same sad, bulging shape.
So far, my plan has gone fairly well. I’ve been creative with ingredients on hand. The pantry is less crowded and the cold air in my refrigerator and freezer can circulate more freely. I have baked muffins, biscuits, and cakes, simmered delicious soups, and cooked some tasty entrees. And for the first twenty days of January, I have only spent $28.39.
I am in a race with the expiration dates on the boxes, bottles, bags, and cans, so maybe I’ll have you over for dinner. Feel free to ask if you can take a sack of groceries home. But hands off the cilantro and shallots.
wow-I love this-I have thought about doing this but I don't have the amount of food you do-:) but anyway-I try to say We are going to eat what is hear first before we go get anything else-I of course have to go daily to get a Sonic drink but that can't be kept at home-oh-we aren't talking about addictions in this particular blog-anyway-by supper I look to see what we have, none of it sounds good so its off to get a hamburger or Taco-I am so undisciplined. I am going to be stronger and learn from your example-Thanks.